Welcome Friends!
Welcome readers!
This is my first post, ever! I will be soon having guest authors and anything that will encourage you to have hope in your life. Too many times we talk about the Word of God, and exclude worship in forms of music. Let’s talk about our favorite artists within the music and literary family as well.
But first, let me share a little more, including visuals, of why I wrote the Young Adult books I have.
If you have already scanned through my website, you know I have lived on the Colville Confederated Reservation for a couple of decades. My children were raised fishing, riding, and hunting through this land abundant in pine, fir, berries, and wildflowers. We reside hovering over the breathtaking Columbia River.
Through our local k-12 school, I had befriended an Elder, Marguerite Ensminger. She had initially taught two of my sons the Arrow Lakes/Sinyekst Language. This reservation is made up of 12 bands of Native Americans and the Arrow Lakes is one of them, which happens to be the band that runs mostly through my husband and son’s veins. We then served on the Inchelium School board together and that is where she convinced me that I needed to come to her home and take language lessons. By then she was confined to a wheelchair from the unfortunate blindside of a stroke. However, her heart told her to seek someone to teach, and that happened to be me. One other board member began lessons as well, but with work and other is
sues, needed to gracefully bow out. I stayed with her for three years on a weekly basis trudging along, spitting as I attempted to sound out those words with the lth sound where I had to place my tongue at the back of my front teeth and blow. The guttural sounds however are the most excruciating sounds to learn. “Act like you’re hocking a loogie!” this frail, 80 some pound woman would tell me with a crooked smile.
I am saddened to say that my beloved Tima Mugs went to be with her Creator before she even knew about my Heart Trilogy. Before I could show her that my characters, Spupaleena and Pekam, were speaking the language. Her language. My husband’s language. The language and culture that was left as a legacy for our four sons.
The Heart Trilogy is locally set, in Northeast Washington State along the Columbia River. So here you go, smell the pine, invigorating Sumac, let the frigid waters drench your thirst for the west. For history and culture. Thank the Lord for what he has beautifully created.