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A Back to School Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt for You! Stop 6

Back to School Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt ā€“ Stop # 6

Welcome to the inaugural Back to School Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt. We hope that throughout this hunt, you discover some new books and get to know a little more about us.

A few things before you begin:

This hunt is a blog hop. Collect the “clues” (pieces to the longer phrase) at each stop. Enter the individual giveaways along the way, then click on the link to the next stop and repeat until you reach #28, where you will input the full phrase as your entry to the grand prize drawing.

The hunt begins August 30, 2023, at noon EST and ends September 4, 2023, so you have plenty of time to visit each stop. If you need to step away and come back later, make a note of the last stop you visited, and go to this post with the list of all stops on the hunt.

If you are having trouble viewing the posts, you may need to switch browsers. Chrome and Firefox sometimes work better than Microsoft Explorer or Edge.

Are you having fun?

I’m Carmen Peone, and I write fast-paced Contemporary Western Romance that tugs at your heartstrings and is filled with mercy and grace. I love getting away from reality and finding adventure and romance in books and hope that my readers will feel like they can do the same with mine.

I was not a huge reader until I landed in the hospital with placenta previa for two months. While waiting to deliver my youngest child, he came 10 weeks early and weighed in at 2 &1/2 pounds, a friend lent me several Christian romance books. That’s when I fell in love with reading.

That winter, I devoured Janette Oke’s Keepsake series. Love Comes Softy will always be my favorite. Oke’s stories filled my heart with love, devotion, and hope.

Reading took me back to my English teachers and their love of stories. We never know who we will influence and when. I thank them now and wish I’d paid better attention instead of daydreaming all the time about horses and the Wild West.

Though those daydreams come in handy now!

Thank you to all the teachers, whether you are in public schools, private schools, or are parents who dedicate yourselves to homeschooling. Please know you are appreciated. Please know how much you touch the lives of your students.

Here’s a little bit about the book I’m giving away today.

At some point, we have to release the secrets that hold us captive.

Sydney Moomaw refuses to let her life splinter.

After her parents die in a horrific car accident, Sydney Moomaw is thrust into running their popular guest ranch in eastern Washington. She discovers that her parents were keeping secrets. Why is the ranch in serious debt? Why did her parents allow the insurance to lapse? Why didnā€™t they tell her about it? And where are their wills? Sydney needs to figure out a way to save the ranch she loves before her sister sells it.

Photographer Trey Hardy arrives at the ranch the same day Sydneyā€™s parents are killed. His working vacation plans change when he decides to help Sydney save the ranch. But, his offers to help are met with resistance. Her stubbornness and independence are both maddening and alluring.

Amid the tangle of finances, tensions with her sister, and her own grief and anger, Sydney begins getting threatening notes. They must be from her abusive ex-husband, but heā€™s in jail. Isnā€™t he? When a teenager appears at the ranch insisting she is Sydneyā€™s daughter, Sydney finally realizes sheā€™d going to have to start trusting people to help her. Will Treyā€™s plan work? Can they save her beloved ranch? Can she really have the life sheā€™s dreamed of?

Add to your ā€œwant to readā€ list onĀ Goodreads. Purchase your copy here.

Here is your sixth clue: a feeling,

Next stop: Rachel Paige Campbell

Before You Goā€¦

Iā€™m giving one reader this fun giveaway that includes a signed copy of Captured Secrets, a set of 5 photo cards from the setting and animals in the book, and a $20 Amazon gift card.

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway now!

The more options you complete, the better your odds of winning!

Giveaway is open to US mailing addresses only and ends at 11:59 PM EST on September 4, 2023.

Connect with Carmen

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  1. Lisa Harness says:

    I had several, but the one that really stand out is Mrs. Hasley. She showed Jesus to me.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Way to go, Mrs. Hasley! Praise the Lord!

  2. Dreaa Drake says:

    My favorite teacher was my 2nd grade teacher who ended up moving up to 3rd grade with me she took an interest in me & she used to bring animals to class for us to watch or take home for a couple days. Like caterpillars, birds/eggs, fish & hamsters. I loved it!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      What an exciting experience, Dreaa! Glad you had her two years in a row!

  3. My favorite teacher was my high school English teacher, Miss Borruso, who made English Literature come to life for me.

  4. TexasMomma says:

    My favorite teacher was Mrs. Rice. I had her for 4th & 5th grade (she also had my brother in 8th grade!) She LOVED history & sparked my love of history by making it come alive for her students. She was a descendant of Steven F. Austin & it was so fascinating to see her family tree. It was the first time I’d ever heard of genealogical research.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      What a great lineup of educators!

  5. Rose Milligan says:

    Elementary – Mrs. Fulmer (my very own Ms. Frizzle) Mrs. Linda (she did the coloring book magic trick)
    High School – Coach Smalls (he could teach anyone how to do math)
    College – Melinda (Theatre Professor and my advisor, so supportive and encouraging)
    Grad School – Lisa (Theatre Professor, the most loving and warm person, creating an environment that gave you the freedom to create)

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      I’m impressed that you can remember them all!! Nice job!!

  6. My favorite teacher was Mrs. McDonald in 6th grade. She was very creative and made learning fun!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Great! Learning should be fun!

  7. Aw – love your website Carmen! Iā€™ve signed up for your newsletter and will read your book soon! Didnā€™t realize you were late to becoming a writer, as I was too. So glad God put you in my life! Still feeling encouraged by the conference and won the 30 minute consultation with Dineen Miller on newsletters – Zoom call next Thursday morning scheduled! Blessings on you and your writing! ā¤ļøāœļøā¤ļø

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Thank you, Yvonne! I too love that God connected us!! I’m thrilled that you won the 30 minute session!! Praying it goes well.

  8. My favorite teacher was the sweet lady who taught me to read and instill a love of books and reading in me. I canā€™t remember her name.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      How very special Ā°

  9. So hard to choose just one but I would say my high school English teacher.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Thank you for sharing!

  10. My favorite teacher was my mom! She was my high school geometry and precalculus teacher. She made learning math fun and also fed our class sweets and goodies on test days. I also saw all of the behind the scenes work that went into being a teacher.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      The behind the scenes is a great way to appreciate what went into the work. Good for you!!

  11. SARAH TAYLOR says:

    My favorite was my 6th grade teacher

  12. SARAH TAYLOR says:

    I had a favorite teacher but they was all amazing

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      That’s wonderful!

  13. Cindi Knowles says:

    My favorite teacher was one of my performing arts teachers in high school. Another was my senior English teacher, she stayed my mentor until she passed away. I always turned to her when I needed advice, she became such a valued friend. She was Jasmine Guy’s mother, Jasmine played Whitley on a Different World.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Cindi, how cool is that!! Quite the connection.

  14. I had a number of great teachers over the years – I can’t pick a favorite!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      I’m happy you had such wonderful teachers. Thad makes a huge difference!!

  15. My favorite teacher was my HS French teacher. She even came to my wedding!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      How cool is that!! What a gift!

  16. high school teacher because cared about education

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Teachers who care about education are the best!

  17. Jeanna Massman says:

    My favorite teacher was my English/Russian teacher in high school. He was very good at communicating with teenagers.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Communicating with young adults is an art. Glad you had a great teacher!

  18. I had the same algebra teacher for two years in high school (freshman & sophomore) who was really good. His name was Mr. Ruggles and he truly cared about his students, I learned difficult math under his teaching. He made it fun and made us laugh.

    I also had an English teacher in Junior year who I had a crush on, lol!

    Thank you for the extra giveaway and sharing about yourself and your book Carmen. It sounds like one I’d enjoy!

    P.S. Janette Oke was one of the first Christian fiction books I read as an adult, I love her stories!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Oh, I wish I would have had an algebra teacher like Mr. Ruggles!
      Ah, we have Janette Oke in common, super! Thanks for stopping by and for your intrest in Captured Secrets!

  19. The book you are giving away sounds very good. Thank you for giving it away.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Thank you for your interest, Sue!

  20. My Mom. I was homeschooled and she was the only teacher I had. šŸ™‚

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      I bet that created a deep bond between the two of you, Amelia!

  21. Stephanie H. says:

    I believe it was my 10th grade science teacher and he was the one who got me more interested in learning the subject. Thanks to him I still love it!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      That’s super, Stephanie! Good teachers are so valuable. Glad you had a good one!

  22. Audrey Stewart says:

    My favorite teacher was my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Smith. She left during the school year to have a baby, and we never saw her again. I cried about that.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Oh, no. Is sounds like she had a huge impact on you, Audrey. How wonderful.

  23. Patty Rude says:

    I went to a small Christian school, and Mr. Rockafellow, my 4th & 5th grade teacher was a favorite. He would read to us at the end of the school day!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Patty, those sound like wonderful memories!

  24. My favorite was my first grade teacher because she made me love reading.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      A blessing for a teacher to help a student love reading!

  25. Caryl Kane says:

    Mrs. Opal Brown was my math teacher. She had a gift for teaching.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      God bless Mrs. Opal Brown!

  26. Becky Nelson says:

    My high school History instilled in me a love of American History, this led me to majoring in it in college and attending Library School.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      That’s great, Becky. Do you teach history?

  27. Elizabeth Litton says:

    I was homeschooled from Pre-K through graduation, so my mom was (and still is) my favorite teacher. šŸ™‚

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      That is so sweet, Elizabeth! I bet your mom appreciates you.

  28. Donna Irvin says:

    Oh, I was hooked when somebody appears at the ranch claiming to be Sydney’s daughter……

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Donna, a little bit of mystery, right!

  29. Jodi Hunter says:

    My sixth grade math teacher, he was very encouraging.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      I’m happy you had an encouraging math teacher!

  30. Natalya Lakhno says:

    My elementary school teacher was the best because she cared! And paid attention!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      I love this, Natalya. Every child needs to feel like they are special.