
I’m back, somewhat.

Day Pack trip with husband and horses 2012
Day Pack trip with husband and horses 2012

After seven months of pain and illness and gallbladder surgery, I’m back, somewhat.

I’m not back in the saddle, but I am back to the computer with limited time. I gain strength every day and am rearing to go (pun intended). I had surgery on a Wed, my granddaughter turned 4 that Thursday and my birthday was the next day, Friday. I loved having things to look forward to right off the bat.

While I continue to recover, I will post twice a month. I’m excited to connect once again. With my fourth book published and my fifth in the hands of a well-known and respected editor, soon my work-in-progress will be ready to hit the highly traveled agent/editor seeking trail.

With my fourth book published and my fifth in the hands of a well-known and respected editor, soon my work-in-progress will be ready to hit the well-traveled agent/editor racetrack.

Have a blessed week.

Until next time….Happy Trails.

Connect with Carmen

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  1. I’m so grateful to know that you’re feeling better, Carmen. Congratulations on the new book! Sending healing thoughts and love your way!

    1. carmenpeone says:

      Thank you, Dawn. I feel each thought and prayer. I’m really excited about this next book and am hoping and praying it finds a good home.

  2. You’ve had a long ordeal but on the road to recovery, you are amazing! Be well, write and write and write!

    1. carmenpeone says:

      Thank you, Arletta! I really appreciate you.

  3. Alice Trego says:

    So glad to hear you’re on the mend, life is treating you well in spite of all the ups and downs, and that your writing career is soaring! Thanks for sharing this update with us, Carmen…

    1. carmenpeone says:

      Thank you, Alice. I’m so excited about this next book, I can hardly stand it!

  4. Carmen, I so happy that you’re feeling better. It’s good to hear your “voice” again!

    1. carmenpeone says:

      Thank you, Mary. It’s good to be back!

    1. carmenpeone says:

      Thank you. Brigid! My fingers are itching!