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Mentoring a Realm Beyond My Own

angel girl


Part Five: Wrapping up editing and on to book trailer.

A sigh the size of Texas rushed through Nathan’s teeth as the final word twisted and turned into shape. Editing was at last compete.

I asked him what he thought of the process. I chuckled at his reply:

“Yeah, that was a lot of work.” He rubbed his face.

I grinned and probed, “What do you think of the chapter now?”

“It’s a whole lot better!”

We walked down the high-school hallway, grins on our faces and no one to share the success with. By the time we finish our sessions each week, the school groans in its silence.

So now, as we let the words settle, stir about on their own while our minds rest quietly, we move on to the book trailer. For now.

Last night, we spent time surfing YouTube for Young Adult trailers that might be similar to his dystopian-style story. After we successfully viewed 6 trailers, Nathan decided on how his would look: words, images, and music.

What would those images look like? Do we do the entire book or just the chapter that is being presented for his senior project? What attitude does the main character need to exhibit? How do we conjure up the images? How long do we run the trailer: 15, 30, 60 seconds?

We began listing images he might need from his elevator pitch (the sum of his book that can be told in about 30 seconds or one elevator ride): Keiji (main character), demons (Title is Demon Hunter), Shima (angel friend of Keiji), grave site, city background.

Yes, this may sound creepy to you, but really Nathan’s story is about good combating evil in a day surrounded by war, destruction, and death. Futuristic story indeed.

This will turn into a three or four session stint i’m sure by the time we finish, but the outcome will surly allow his story to come to life.

In session one we gathered images off the web and began to line up image to elevator pitch. I suppose the length of the book trailer will depend on the word count in correlation with the five images. We slowly and methodically piece together an attitude that Nathan wants readers to identify with in correlation to the theme of his book: fight for survival.

I can tell you this, after months of learning about writing craft and editing a chapter, Nathan was thrilled to be doing something “more fun!”

I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose.
– Stephen King

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  1. what a learning experience for him! kudos to both of you. 🙂


    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Yes it is, Darlene. Thank you. He’s got his work cut out for him because after the book trailer we move on the query letter and proposal. Yikes. Gotta love him and the process. The blessing really is to see his growth and confidence building. Thank you for your continued support.

  2. Carmen, Nathan will always remember what you have done for him, regardless of whether or not he’ll pursue a writing career. That someone took notice is worth so much to a kid.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Oh agree, Mary. Our youth need mentors and I believe that is my calling. I love working with youth in whatever way they need it. I’m blessed to work with Nathan as a writing coach. Thank you!