
Where She Found Her Western Roots

Welcome back to the 2022 Inspirational Western Women series.

Happy October! I’m assuming by now you’re wearing your favorite sweater and drinking coffee with your preferred creamer or enjoying your most loved cup of tea. What flavor did you choose?

Iā€™m excited for you to meet my featured gal for this month. So sit back, sip that steamy beverage, and enjoyĀ . . .

Dalyn Weller.

Thank you, Carmen for inviting me to visit your blog. Iā€™ve enjoyed reading about your amazing guests. Iā€™m honored to be included.

Iā€™ve always admired western women (and men). I was born in Colorado. Somewhere we have a very old photo of our Scottish ancestors on their way west. In the background is an old, covered wagon, mules, grubby children, the typical but rare photo. Iā€™m proud of my western roots.

I spent my childhood in Utah fishing and climbing rocks to sit in natural hot springs, exploring caves, and river fishing. But my summers were split between my Swedish grandparents in Washington state–where I live currently–and Colorado.

I suppose Iā€™d be western even in the city.

My sister and I were raised by our single mom in poor neighborhoods, but we had entire summers to be country kids. In Washington we roamed the woods, ate wild mushrooms, dug clams (and ate them raw right there) and geoduck. We caught crabs at night. Our Swedish grandparents lived rural. I live in Washington now but in the high desert.

We live in the Yakima Valley with a couple of horses and various other critters. We moved to this ranch to raise our kids eighteen years ago. We had more animals then. Now I spend quite a bit of time in my writing office. It has a great view of the barn.

In Colorado, my other grandparents were part-time Navajo jewelry makers.

I got my love of turquoise and silver early. My grandfather was the real artist. Gramma taught me to love books. She was rarely without one. I learned to hold the catfish pole and read at the same time. I rode home from fishing in the evenings in the back of the pick-up with the dog, catching the wind. No better way to ride unless youā€™re on the back of a horse.

Iā€™ve always been obsessed with horses, books, handmade jewelry, and good coffee. Iā€™m the product of my grandparents for sure. One of my favorite places to visit was Uncle Dudleyā€™s and Aunt Ruthā€™s farm. Uncle Dudley rode a big pig with a saddle and trained his cats to do circus tricks. Aunt Ruth raised animals inside the house and kept a talking Myna bird on the sun porch. You see what kind of people I come from? Is it any wonder that when a baby rattlesnake found its way onto my back deck a few years ago I just picked it up and put it in a jar to be relocated? I donā€™t recommend this by the way, youā€™ll lose a finger. I was protecting small children and dogs.

Iā€™ve always wanted to live in the country, and Iā€™ve always wanted to write.

I homeschooled for twenty years. When I retired from that I sold my three best milk goats and bought a laptop. That was 2017. I have four books out and others in the works. I found my corner of the world. A ranch where I can write.

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God has been good to me, and I hope my stories reflect His love.

Connect with Dalyn

Website: dalynweller.com and be sure and sign up for her newsletter: Writing from the Ranch

Visit her on social media







About Dalyn

Dalyn Weller writes from a small horse ranch in Washington State. The ranchers on her dirt road are prime fodder for inspirational romance novels. Life in Washingtonā€™s wine country is full of romance with dirt roads leading to love.

Like any self-respecting PNW woman sheā€™s a coffee snob and takes her morning mocha seriously.


~*~ If you enjoyed learning about this Inspirational Western Woman, please feel free to forward her story to a friend. ~*~


~ *~ If you know of a gal who fits this inspirational western women theme, please contact me atĀ [email protected], so I can get some contact info and feature her too! ~*~

Connect with Carmen

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  1. Carmen, I appreciate your blog so much! Thank you for giving me space here, friend.

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Dalyn, you are so welcome! It’s a pleasure having you.

  2. Dalyn Weller sounds like a lovely, down-to-earth person I’d like to know. AND….she’s from my state of Washington!

    1. Carmen Peone says:

      Mary, you would love her!! Dalyn is a sweetheart!