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What You Should Know About a Horse in Captured Secrets

Hello, dear friends!

In honor of the Day of the Horse on December 13th, I’d like to share with you one of the very special horses in my upcoming contemporary western romance, Captured Secrets, from the heroine and hero’s points of view.

Meet Twister!

This little guy is a blue roan with impressive bloodlines.

And this is a snippet from two different chapters that feature Twister and his descendants.

Sydney Moomaw

Standing outside the pickup, Lester Moomaw stared at

the weathered horse barnā€”a Ponderosa pineā€“covered knoll

its backdrop. A tricolored Australian shepherd with reddish-brown

eyebrows sat beside him. Caliberā€™s shaggy tail stirred

the dirt.


Sydney joined her bow-legged father and hugged him

from behind. He always wore the same thing, dusty black

cowboy boots and faded blue jeans with long shirtsleeves,

a faded gold ring circled his left finger. He carried a multi-tool

in a holster on his hip.


ā€œThe coltā€™s going to make it, ya know.ā€ She stood on her

tiptoes and kissed his balding head. ā€œRemember to leave

your tools in the truck. Airport security might cuff ya.ā€ She

winked at him.


He gave her a small smile and nodded, patted his dog for

a long moment, and slipped behind the wheel.


ā€œWeā€™ll take care of Caliber too. Donā€™t worry, Daddy, we

got this.ā€


ā€œI know you do.ā€ Lester rubbed her hand as it rested on

the door.

Trey Hardy

ā€œHow many cows do you have?ā€


ā€œThree hundred.ā€


Treyā€™s eyes widened. ā€œHorses?ā€


ā€œTwenty head, counting foals.ā€


It would be a stretch, but maybe the ranch could be saved

after all. ā€œStuds?ā€


ā€œTwo. Oneā€™s a Blue Valentine grandson, the other is a

grandson of The Boon.ā€


ā€œAn Old Sorrel descendant.ā€ Trey blew out a low whistle.

ā€œYouā€™ve got remarkable bloodlines on this place.ā€

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Twister’s Bloodlines

Blue Valentine

When trying to decide what breed and color of horse to feature in Captured Secrets, I decided on a blue roan quarter horse. Why? Because my son, Eddy, had a really nice but spunky, blue roan gelding. He was gorgeous and went anywhere.

The Boon

  • NCHA Classic/Challenge Open Co-Reserve Champion
  • PCCHA Fall Classic/Challenge Open Reserve Champion
  • Chisholm Trail CHA Fall Classic Open Reserve Champion
  • NCHA Super Stakes Classic Open Top 15

Ā With the above Career Highlights, I knew I had to have a Boon descendant on the Seven Tine Ranch. Some called Sydney stubborn. I say sheā€™s a fighter, determined to survive. Her horses needed to be as hardy as her. So why not pair the handsome Blue Valentine bloodline with The Boon?

A win, win.

Pre-order Captured Secrets now!

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