Welcome Bob Valleau
Author: Bob VilleauWelcome Guest Author Bob Valleau. I am so please share about you and your book.
Bob Valleau has over 25 years of writing experience for the Christian market. His writing career began, in the 1980s, when he worked for a Christian publishing company for their book department. Since then, he has worked as a full-time staff writer for two international ministries and was once named “Christian Writer of the Year,” San Antonio, Texas, by the American Christian Writers Association. Bob’s credits include writing for Christian radio/television and the Internet. He has contributed to three books and has written numerous magazine and newspaper articles. Mystic Dreams and Dusty Roads is his debut novel.
When Bob isn’t writing or promoting his book he like reading, writing, movies, spending time with friends.
Mystic Dreams and Dusty RoadsMYSTIC DREAMS AND DUSTY ROADS
Feisty twelve-year-old Peep Holler finds living with her single alcoholic father challenging as she struggles with puberty, faith and unforeseen tragedies at the beginning of the Oklahoma Dust Bowl years. But her greatest challenge yet lies just ahead.
One day, Peep innocently uncovers a dark secret which drives her further from her estranged father, and, if revealed, could rip apart her best friendās family. While Peep copes with this secret, however, an untimely event occurs that alters her life perception . . . and sets her on a course that affects entire generations.
Here is what Bob shares with us about what inspired him to write this novel:
Many books have been written about the Dust Bowl years of Oklahoma. But few have been written from a child’s perspective and from those who chose to stay and endure one of the most devastating periods in American history. This story is about loss and life, tragedy and triumph, sorrow and strength. Even though I call it a fictionalized memoir, many of the emotions and events are all too familiar to a lot of us. I wanted to write something about hope and encouragement, and God answered my prayer with this story. My main character, Peep, inspires others to believe that good things truly can come from whatever hardship, failure or disappointment they may face.
I invite you to hop on over to Bob’s website and the other links to learn more. Also you can click on his Amazon Link and read the first several pages of Mystic Dreams and Dusty Roads.
Barnes & Noble
Thank you Bob for sharing you and Mystic Dreams and Dusty Roads with us. Please leave a comment or question for Bob. He would love to hear from you.
Thank you, Carmen, for having me as your guest author today. I feel honored!
You are more than welcome, Bob. My pleasure.