A Safe Haven

A Safe Haven

Labor Day 2020. I will remember this day for the rest of my life. Late morning a predicted and wicked wind surged through and whipped our trees, shade tent and kids’ fort, chairs on our patio spun and bucked, and tree branches cracked and plummeted to the ground. Early morning, one of my daughters-in-law had…

Sweet As Honey

Sweet As Honey

Welcome to a portion of the Lillian’s Legacy Pre-launch party! I have a special guest with me to help celebrate. Something I’ve wanted to do for years is to write a song. When I was thinking of new ways to launch a book, Lillian’s Legacy is released today!, I decided why not write a song about…

Lillian’s Legacy Pre-launch Interview with Julie Stephens

Lillian’s Legacy Pre-launch Interview with Julie Stephens

Welcome to the Lillian’s Legacy pre-launch festivities and book giveaway. I’m excited for you to meet Julie Stephens. She has been the translator for the Welsh dialect Lillian’s mentor, Doctor Mali Maddox, speaks and currently resides in Wales. I love using language in my books, and because some of my ancestors came from Wales, this…

Hope Focused

Hope Focused

How will we pay our bills? Feed our children? How long will this quarantine last? There are so many questions. Fear seems to run rampant these days for many. There isn’t much I can do. I’m not a doctor or nurse or any other first responder. God bless and protect these incredible folks! But what…

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