Boots and Spurs and an INFR World Title, Every Girl’s Dream

Boots and Spurs and an INFR World Title, Every Girl’s Dream

How does a 9-year-old girl snag the Indian National Finals Rodeo, INFR, Ladies World Barrel Racer title in Las Vegas, NV? Grit Determination Love Wait…Love? What’s love got to do with it? According to Rocksie Marchand, everything. “Roo and I have a bond,” she tells me over the phone. “We love and trust each other.”…

What Happens When a Vibrant Desert Garden Uplifts You

What Happens When a Vibrant Desert Garden Uplifts You

Have you ever felt the pressure of a conference? Board meetings. Committee Chair. Workshop Presenter. Agent Pitch Appointment. Voices crawling up my skin, intruding my thoughts. Members milling in tight spaces, causing dizziness. Recirculated air scraping my throat. I had to find peace and quiet. After unloading an armful of books, folders, and board packets…

What You Need To Know Before Attending Women Writing the West

What You Need To Know Before Attending Women Writing the West

Tucson, where cactus grows, cowboys live, and Diamondbacks are revered. You pack sunscreen and sandals. But it’s a blizzard outside your window. Rain. Snow. Howling wind. Plummeting temperatures. Do you pack your parka or a light sweater? Cool mornings and evenings. Hot days. When you return home it’s back to frigid temperatures. How do you…

Native Horses

Native Horses

Native Americans originally traveled by shanks ponies–or on foot. Natives obtained their first horses from Spanish explorers in 1540. Some of those original horses escaped and turned wild and are now coined Mustangs. The first horse used by Natives, now having its own registry, is the American Indian Horse. Its ancestry consists of Spanish Barb,…

Girl In The Storm

Girl In The Storm

It’s a party and you’re invited! HANNAH’S JOURNEY is coming to stores and e-retailers October 1. Join Carmen on Tuesday, October 3rd at 5:00-7:00 (Pacific Standard Time) for a racin’ good time celebrating the book’s release. All you have to do is hop onto Facebook during those hours and post a few comments to enter the drawings! …

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